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 Awards, Scholarships, and Grants:  Responsible for developing selection criteria and distribution of any awards, scholarship, and grants established by ILACADA.

Conference Planning: Established to organize, facilitate, and support ILACADA’s sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.

Communications: Responsible for all communications and promotion of the organization. It will work with the Webmaster to support the website, disseminate electronic newsletters, social networking, blogging, news and press releases.

Membership/Elections: Membership committee and Elections committee shall be merged to form one committee. This committee is responsible for maintaining an accurate database of all ILACADA members. In addition, it will notify members when membership applications and dues are up for renewal and they will also encourage and solicit members. The committee is responsible for announcing and conducting elections. They are also responsible for notifying members of election status, eligibility, and results.  The Treasurer shall be a member of this committee.

Professional Development: Responsible for coordinating workshops, and educational events on behalf of the membership. The Professional Development committee will also collaborate with like- minded state organizations.


ATTN: Aric Faulkner

Division of General Studies,

807 S Wright St, Floor 5, M/C 317

Champaign, IL 61820

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